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News Sources

During the primitive times the command of the ruler used to be conveyed to the people through the beat of the drums. The similar method was used in conveying information pertaining to different matters. Verbal words also used to the spread to establish communication with the people. A stage came when with the spread of betray information used to be pasted on the walls. Later on the printing presses replaced all these news sources and information in the printed forms were conveyed to the people when the newspapers, started their publication they became the biggest source of news as they are today. The newspaper over a period of time have developed their own techniques and methods to carry information to their readers. Similar was the case with the news agencies who developed their own agencies who developed their own methods to carry information from their offices to the office of their subscribers that is news’ papers. The news agencies also developed their links outside their own countries to secure news. The first known air link was established by the first news agency of the world known as Reuter. The relay of messages in the early period inside and outside the country was through pigeons. Mr. Writer, founder of the news agency trained the pigeons in such a manner that they first flew the information tied to their necks within the country and later on outside. The pigeous were subsequently replaced by tele printer, wireless and cable as the systems of telecommunication developed.

Some Best News Sources in Journalism

The major news sources for journalist are Radio T.V. newspapers and magazines, their own correspondents, press, interviews, press conferences, police stations, courts and handouts, press releases and press notes:


Almost all newspapers in the country monitor news from the major foreign radio networks and publish the information. They also true in to listen to the national broadcast for news. The newspaper benefits them from the radio news because they are considered to be the latest. Moreover, it does not cost them anything by way of money. The authenticity of the news broadcast by a radio is generally taken for granted.


Another important source of news the newspapers listen to the news telecast by TV. The news telecast by T.V. is also carry the reputation of evening authentic. Besides supplying the news, the T.V. reports give a pictorial view of an event. The T.V establishments generally enter into agreements for mutual exchange of film reports with one another. These reports when telecast give sufficient material to newspaper to convey information to the readers.

Newspaper and Magazines

The newspapers and magazines, both in national and international contain good material for publication by the newspapers. Stories are published by a newspaper from interviews published in the magazines. The newspapers also themselves from the news published by the newspaper at other stations. Similarly the magazines and newspapers published abroad are also definite by the newspapers. The newspapers derive benefit from reports appearing in foreign press.


The newspaper has their own correspondents based inside and outside the country. The correspondents keep in touch with their respective organization and reports events of their newspapers interest. The newspapers have a subdivision of different fields and reporters. The newspaper major specialized or general correspondents. They report their sources and correspondents to keep their organization informed about the latest news. The reporters are based in the same city whereas the correspondences are based outside the place of publication of the newspaper.

Press Interviews

One yet another important source of the news for the newspaper. Interviews are secured to obtain information pertaining to different activities and fields. Men in the news are interviewed subject to the requirement of the newspapers for securing publicity material.

Press Conferences

Newspapers give new coverage to the press conferences addressed by various personalities. The press conferences addressed are called or arranged by personalities who want to make some point known to the public. A statement is made at the start of the press conference explaining the precise reason for calling the press conference. Later on questions are invited from the newsmen to clear their doubts or for further elucidation of the points made in the press conference earlier.

Police Stations

One of the major and bests sources of news is police stations. Almost every occurrence, every case and incident is reported in news reporter establish ‘links with police stations to secure information. Every evening the reporter ring up the police stations for information on registration of new cases. On getting the due from the police stations the reporters precede further to get more information.                                                                                                                               —

Hospitals and Courts

Another big source is the hospitals from where news of cases regarding accidents etc., are known. A person can file a case against another, like the complaint against the police and this information can be had not from the reader out also from attendance in court.


All the documents containing information which are circulated for general information. They handouts may be issued by an organization to convey information to the public at large. The handouts now a days are being issued contain material in respect of activities of the Govt., and government organization. They contain material in respect of the Govt. in various fields. The newspapers may or may not publish the information contained in the handout. The handout highlights the activities of the Govt., in different fields. They contain information about tours of minister and appointments of officers. Handouts are also issued by the agencies attached with the Govt. and the corporate bodies.

Press Note

It is issued by the Govt. whenever some information in categorical terms or unambiguous terms is to be provided to the general public. They contain information on specific matters in which the Govts. firms stand is to be explained. They are to be published by the newspaper in the manner they are received by them. No change in the content or manner is to be affected in it by the newspaper. They are considered to be the last word on Govts. View point. They are not issued as frequently .by government as the handouts. They are issued whenever a need for high lighting government firm stand arises.

Press Releases

Press Relations contains press releases information pertaining to the activities of different organizations and establishment. The press releases are issued whenever these organizations want to reach the public through the information media. They are issued on behalf of the organization. Concerned their office bearers on the spokesmen, they are always in the form of writing material meant for circulation to the press. They may contain ambiguous or categorical information in respect of their activities.

Press Statements

Whenever someone in his individual or representative capacity Lirses to make his point known through media, he reaches the press with a written statement and it is called a press statement. The statement must be issued by a person having some position in some organization or has attained distinction in one or the other. The statement is sent to the newspaper and it is used by them as subject to their interest in it.

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