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What is Freelancer?
An individual who makes money on a per-job basis is a freelancer. They usually earn on a per-task basis and generally work for a short time. In simpler terms, they do not work for a firm. Thus, they enjoy the liberty to work on various jobs for different clients simultaneously. However, if they're in a contract to work exclusively for a particular client, they cannot pick up other tasks till they've completed that project. Let's take a look at the definition to understand clearly what is freelancer.

Freelancer Definition
An independent labourer earning wages per job is known as a freelancer. They usually take up short-term tasks. They enjoy the freedom of working from home at flexible times. Thus, it allows them to balance their work-life better. For instance, a freelancer is a graphic designer who takes up projects to design logos for a company.
A freelancer can work full-time or part-time, depending on their contract. These independent contractors start their work with a signed contract and a predetermined fee as per the time and effort they will have to put in to complete that task. The payment also depends on the freelancer, and they can choose to get paid based on hour, day, or project.

Examples of Freelancers
Some journalists work as freelancers in which they select a story they wish to report on, and after formulating their report, they sell it to the bidder they deem fit. Similarly, web designers or app developers tie up with a particular company and individual and develop their app or design their website. After completion of the project, they move on to the next client.

Taxes for Freelancers
As per the country's income tax laws, freelancers fall under 'self-employed'. Thus, they also have to pay their taxes. It is the responsibility of the freelancer to pay their income tax. Although, some may be eligible for tax deductions depending on the law of the country and the category the freelancer falls in.

Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer

There are different pros and cons of being a freelancer. While some enjoy flexible work hours, they do not have job stability. So, let's take a look at the pros and cons:


 They enjoy choosing the clients they're interested in working with. Thus, they can work with one client or with many clients simultaneously.

Control: Freelancing allows people to control their workload. They can choose how much they want to work by taking up projects of their liking. Similarly, there's also more focus on the job than distractions that come with full-time employment, such as politics.

Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the biggest pros of freelancing. Freelancers choose how their working hours. Some of them work full-time during weekdays and part-time during weekends or don't work at weekends to take out time for other things.

Independence: There is a lot of autonomy in freelancing. You are not confined to a little cubicle and a fixed time. You get to work independently and in a more comfortable space.

Exposure: Freelancers enjoy a lot of exposure by working on various projects and topics. When people work with a company in-house, they do not get to hone their skills in other areas. But with freelancing, one can broaden their horizons.


Taxes: It is the responsibility of the freelancers to pay their self-employment taxes at specified periods. While they enjoy tax deductions, it is a must to pay taxes. So, it is better to be well-versed with the laws regarding self-employment taxes so one can set their rates accordingly.

Benefits: Employees usually get help from their company, but freelancers don't usually enjoy that. As they are self-employed, they have to find and fund their insurance.

Stability: It is a big task to find steady work. Sometimes, projects start but get shelved. Thus, the contract ends early. Other times, the search for new work takes more time than expected. It is not easy to find consistent clients.

Responsibility: Freelancing is like running your own business. So, it is your sole responsibility to get clients, manage them, collect the bills and pay the taxes. The onus is on the freelancer to make payment decisions and buy the correct tools and software.

Payment: One of the biggest cons of freelancing is payment issues. It is not easy to collect payments from clients. Many freelancers have been scammed by clients who haven't paid them after the completion of a project.

Isolation: Unlike full-time employees, freelancers don't have a team working with them. They can sometimes feel isolated with no one to ask for help or work with. Although, it's a very individualistic preference because some people prefer working alone.

What fields do freelancers work in?
As per freelancer definition, they work in various fields, including creative and skilled. For instance, they are present in film making, copywriting, journalism, tourism, photography, tutoring, marketing, music, event planning, acting, catering, computer programming, and many more.

How can one become a freelancer?

To become a freelancer, one has to define the service they're offering. Then, find out their target audience and make up a pricing structure. After that, make a portfolio with your previous jobs and formulate a convincing proposal. Start looking for clients and create a relationship with them.

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